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22nd March 2025: Notice to existing users:

App version 1.6.0 released.

User Guide 1.10 in downloads now relates to this version.

UI changes, bug fixes, new audio mute feature and KiWiSDR antenna control.


Aziloop DF-72 Antenna System

The groundbreaking dual-mode, Stepped-Azimuth™ VLF to HF receive solution.

Read the RadCom May 2024 review here (by kind permission of RSGB)


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What is it?

Aziloop DF-72 is a dual-mode multi-directional antenna system for VLF to HF reception with features

unequalled at this price point (or possibly anywhere):

·       Uses low visual impact, small footprint antenna comprising a pair of orthogonal loops plus an earth.

·       Stepped-Azimuth technology for electronic rotation. The actual antenna remains stationary.

·       Control everything from an intuitive Windows UI with selectable Local, Client or Server mode.

·       Dual antenna modes. Switch between Loop mode and K9AY mode with mouse wheel or buttons.

·       108 antennas in one: 72 K9AY headings and 36 loop axes. Change with mouse in 60 ms.

·       Switchable 18 dB preamp and a 4-step attenuator (0 - 18 dB) for up to 36 dB of level control.

·       Four 7-pole preselection filters to give your receiver an easy time.

·       Variable K9AY load. 250 Ω to 950 Ω in 50 Ω steps

·       Two control/monitor ports for your own use or allocate one or both to PTT muting.

·       Headless Remote control (no attached PC) via the controller’s built-in Ethernet Server.

·       Omni-Rig support for auto-filter, PTT muting and Rig-Sync (keep Rig A and Rig B in step)


We supply:


        The Antenna Unit

The Controller

       A white box with blue text on it

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A black box with ports and ports

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The App.

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Over to you:

Add a clean 13.8 V power supply, a Windows PC, and your own build of antenna, sized to give optimum performance for your use case and location.


Optimum size depends on target frequency range, site noise, and system noise (Single loop illustrated. A second identical one at 90 degrees completes the installation)

Many antenna arrangements are possible, and the size and shape aren’t critical (within limits of course).

All you need is a supply of 24/.2 (24 strand, 0.2mm) insulated wire or similar, and a central non-metallic pole

You can use the standard K9AY shape and dimensions as a guide if you wish, or a scaled down version as below.


A diagram of a triangular structure

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To find out more click Overview.


Who should consider Aziloop?

Aziloop will be of interest to shortwave listeners, radio amateurs, and professional users alike. Applications include general monitoring, co-channel station resolution, basic direction finding, atmospheric and electromagnetic interference reduction, and jamming mitigation. Plus of course just having fun learning about propagation and discovering what your previous antenna was keeping from you.

Product Positioning

Aziloop has capabilities that single loop antennas cannot offer. Occupying a different market sector, Aziloop is an intelligent first choice, or a rewarding upgrade for the discerning listener.

Professional Users

Aziloop offers a feature-set that could meet your project requirements at a fraction of the expected cost, especially for tactical / SIGINT deployments. Custom builds may also be possible. Please contact us to discuss your needs.


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Reception. Reinvented.™


QuietRadio is a trading name of Dave Evans, amateur radio callsign GW4GTE.

QuietRadio and Aziloop are registered trademarks owned by Dave Evans.

Reception.Reinvented., DF-72, and Stepped Azimuth are trademarks used by Dave Evans.

Copyright QuietRadio 2025